
Reaction Time as a Measure of Brain Health • MindCrowd Study Findings

How Fast Your Brain Reacts Could Reveal How Healthy It Is.

Reaction time can help measure brain health. Why? Because reaction time depends on central nervous system processing speed. Thus, visual reaction time is a critical factor in higher cognitive functions.

The healthier the brain, the faster its processing speed, memory and thinking skills.

Finding out what impacts reaction time is important. Doing so can help us figure out what is part of healthy aging and what might reveal a diseased brain.

“Our findings have begun to pull back the curtain on the intricate network connecting processing speed and cognition to more accurately describe the comparisons of healthy, versus pathological, brain aging,” said Matt Huentelman, Ph.D., TGen Professor of Neurogenomics, a MindCrowd founder, and the study’s senior author.

The MindCrowd research shows that how fast your brain reacts could show how healthy it is.

In This Article

MindCrowd research findings: visual reaction time as a measure of brain health. Matt Huentelman, Ph.D., TGen Professor of Neurogenomics, a MindCrowd founder, and the study’s senior author.

Matt Huentelman, Ph.D., TGen Professor of Neurogenomics, a MindCrowd founder, and the study’s senior author.

What is Visual Reaction Time

Visual reaction time is the time it takes to respond to a visual stimulus. For example, the sudden appearance or change of a picture or color.

If you took the MindCrowd test, your visual reaction time was measured. We anonymized your results together with thousands of others. And these results have helped our scientists further healthy brain research.

Thanks to you, we discovered that reaction times (RTs) not only decline with age but with other factors.

Let’s talk about these factors and what we can do to keep our brains healthy for as long as we live.

MindCrowd Key Study Findings: Size and Diversity Matters

The MindCrowd study has a very large number of participants of all ages and backgrounds. Its size and diversity makes it one of the most important RT studies across the aging spectrum.

Dr. Talboom, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Huentelman’s lab and the lead author of the study, suggests that the findings will help develop a sound model of healthy brain aging.

MindCrowd data showed that average reaction time slowed by 7 milliseconds per year. But age is not the only factor that slows down reaction time.

Other findings include:

  • men, on average, are 34 milliseconds faster than women;
  • the more education one attained, the faster your reaction time;
  • younger left-handed people had a shorter reaction time than right-handed ones. But the difference fades between 40 and 60 years of age.

Factors that Affect Visual Reaction Time

One of MindCrowd’s goals is to help better define what is normal brain aging. As well as identify what affects memory and brain performance.

This will help us discover what we need to have the cognitive healthspan match the human lifespan.

Because our goal is to find out how to help you keep your memory and thinking skills optimized throughout your whole life.

MindCrowd research suggests that how fast your brain reacts could reveal how healthy it is. Discover the factors that affect visual reaction time.
MindCrowd research suggests that how fast your brain reacts could reveal how healthy it is.

It is well known that age affects visual reaction times. Our scientific study has identified other factors besides age that affect reaction time. These include:

  • education,
  • biological sex,
  • smoking,
  • dizziness,
  • the number of daily prescription medications you take,
  • a family history of Alzheimer’s disease,
  • being right or left handed.

Age and Reaction Time as a Measure of Brain Health

Age is the main factor known to influence reaction time.

Processing speed limits most aspects of cognition during aging, especially memory. The slower our processing speed, the longer it may take to remember or to figure something out.

The study data showed reaction time performance degraded by an average of 3 to 6 ms per year.

The results showed that both processing speed and memory declined with age.

Shorter visual reaction times and correct word pair association went hand in hand. Each additional word pair correct was associated with shorter visual reaction times.

We observed this relationship from younger to older ages, at 20, 40, 60, and 80 years old.

Reaction time performance declined with age.

Reaction time performance declined with age.

How Did MindCrowd Measure Reaction Times?

MindCrowd logged participants’ simple visual reaction time (svRT) measured in milliseconds. Participants hit a key whenever a pink ball appeared at random on the computer screen.

The researchers also assessed participants through a word pair memory test.

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Males Have Faster Visual Reaction Times than Females

Men had a shorter visual reaction time than women by an average of 34 ms.

On average, men have faster visual reaction times than women. MindCrowd research findings on reaction time and brain health.

And their increase in processing speed with age was slower than women’s by an average of 0.36ms.

In contrast, our earlier findings show that women score better on verbal memory than men.

On average, men have faster visual reaction times than women.

More Education equals Faster Brain Processing Speeds

Educational attainment was also a significant factor associated with visual reaction time. We found that more education equals shorter RT or faster brain processing speed.

People with college degrees or in college had shorter reaction times than those who didn’t finish high school. Each had 32 and 15 ms faster processing speeds than those with no high school diploma.

And more education reduced performance loss due to age for both men and women alike.

More education equals shorter RT or faster brain processing speed.
More education equals shorter RT or faster brain processing speed.

Left-Handed vs Right-Handed

This was a very interesting finding. Left-handed participants had a 4 ms shorter reaction time that their right-handed counterparts. But this “advantage” faded in individuals 40 to 60 years old.

Thus, left-handedness stops being a predictor after the age of 40.

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MindCrowd: Do health, medical, and lifestyle factors impact RT?

On health and medical factors impacting visual reaction time, we found that:

  • Participants who reported a stroke, had a 20 ms longer reaction time than those who did not.
  • Not only did smokers have a 7 ms lengthened visual reaction time, they added 0.57 ms to their RT per year.
  • People with diabetes had an 11 ms longer RT than people who did not report this condition.
  • Dizziness was associated with a 5 ms longer visual reaction time.
  • The number of daily medications taken had an impact on reaction times. The more meds, the slower the visual reaction time.
  • A first-degree family history of Alzheimer’s disease didn’t have a strong impact on brain performance. Neither did hypertension.

People should care about their cardiovascular health. stroke and smoking, diabetes, and dizziness were all associated with longer reaction times.

Reaction Time as a Measure of Brain Health: Other Findings

In the MindCrowd analysis, we noticed an interaction between age and education and smoking. Less education and smoking were related to even more slowing of visual reaction time on top of the one related to aging.

Smoking and stroke and amount of education are factors that influence RT slowing as we age.

Take care of your brain health.

Many health, medical and lifestyle factors can be changed or managed. Maintaining good cardiovascular health and building cognitive demand or reserve. A healthy diet, exercise and socialization can help keep our brains healthier. Have regular health checkups and maintain healthy habits for a fit body and a fit brain.

How to take care of your brain health.

Benefits of the Online MindCrowd Scientific Study

Improving Quality of Life & Savings Billions in Healthcare Costs

In Dr. Huentelman’s words: “Many things in our study linked to brain health during aging, like biological sex, are not our choice. But, not smoking is an example of a choice we can make to have a healthier brain during aging.

Reducing cognitive decline due to age or disease or allowing people to stay independent for longer would have many benefits. 

These can go from saving billions in healthcare costs to increasing caregivers’ productivity. All the while improving the quality of life for the aging population.

Part of our goal is to enable the cognitive healthspan to better match the human lifespan.

As many more people keep participating in MindCrowd, we will keep seeking the knowledge needed to optimize cognitive performance throughout life.”

Improving quality of life and saving billions in healthcare costs.

Benefits of the online MindCrowd scientific study: improving quality of life an saving billions in healthcare costs.

Contributing to this study were: City of Hope National Medical Center, Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and its Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute, and the University of Arizona.

The study — Modifiers of Age-Associated Variation in Reaction Time: Two Separate, Large Cohorts Reveal Potential Modifiers of Age-Associated Variation in Visual Reaction Time Performance — was supported by: the UK Biobank, Mike Mueller and the Mueller Family Charitable Trust, the Arizona Department of Health Services through the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium, Flinn Foundation, The McKnight Brain Research Foundation, the National Institute on Aging, many anonymous donors, and institutional support from TGen, City of Hope, and the University of Arizona.


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2 replies
  1. Iris Smith
    Iris Smith says:

    I appreciate your research findings about brain’s processing speed and age and that it can be used as a measure of brain health. It’s very interesting.

  2. Kayla Partridge
    Kayla Partridge says:

    Land of the free, and home of the brave…
    We need to be brave enough to confront the problems of aging brains if we want to maintain our freedom to age at home.
    Mind crowd is the first thing I have found that actively helps us see how our brains ar working.


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