Alzheimer’s Disease Articles & Research
Alzheimer’s disease symptoms, causes. Alzheimer’s dementia stories and the latest research.

Living with Early Onset Alzheimer’s: Bobbie Joe Cavazos
We want to thank Bobbie Joe Cavazos for so valiantly volunteering…
02/27/2023/by The MindCrowd Team • Brain Health • Brain Diseases
Why is There No Cure for Dementia – Yet
If dementia has been around for so many decades, why is there…
12/17/2022/by Matt Huentelman, Ph.D. • Neurocientist • Human Genetics Researcher
Memory Problems: Forgetfulness, Stress or Alzheimer’s Dementia?
What causes memory problems as we age? Are we experiencing…
09/06/2021/by Lee Ryan, Ph.D. • Head Psychology Department UA
Diabetes and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?
What is the link between diabetes and Alzheimer's dementia…
06/21/2021/by Meredith Hay, Ph.D., American academic & Biomedical Researcher
Dina Parise Named her Race Car Stella After her GrandMother with Dementia
Dina Parise is an Atlanta-based professional drag racer and…
05/24/2021/by The MindCrowd Team • Brain Health • Brain Diseases
Finding the Dementia Care they Need: One Son’s Journey
Tom's mother had Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. He shares his…
05/03/2021/by The MindCrowd Team • Brain Health • Brain Diseases