Entries by The MindCrowd Team • Brain Health • Brain Diseases


MindCrowd featured on Arizona Republic Living Well cover

MindCrowd was featured on the front page of the Arizona Republic Living Well section. The story described the project’s goals from the perspective of founder and principal scientist Dr. Matt Huentelman. Ten-Minute Test Aimed at helping Scientists Understand Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s is the only cause of death among the top 10 (leading causes of death) in […]

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Arizona Republic reports MindCrowd goal of 1 million participants

This article in the Arizona Republic explains Dr. Huentelman’s vision for MindCrowd and how scientists are going to use the test results to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s. Huentelman, a scientific researcher at Phoenix-based Translational Genomics Research Institute, founded MindCrowd— a mass on scientific study aimed at studying memory in relation to genetics. It’s […]

Mother Nature Network story encourages public to take MindCrowd test

Mother Nature Network ran a story encouraging the public to take the MindCrowd test to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s. The story includes an interview with Dr. Matt Huentelman, the force behind MindCrowd. Take a quiz, help Alzheimer’s research Wanted: Test scores from 1 million people, as web-based research project aims to learn […]


Into the Mind of… Matt Huentelman

The TGen researcher explains why he’s using crowd- sourcing to better understand Alzheimer’s disease. In this weekly opinion section of The Arizona Republic, MindCrowd creator Dr. Matt Huentelman explains the MindCrowd project, the promise of genetics, and why MindCrowd will help researchers understand brain function in healthy individuals and provide a base that will help show […]

MindCrowd Featured in the Phoenix Business Journal

“Before we can discover new treatments for brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, we need to understand the human genetic blue – DNA – that determines how the brain works in healthy individuals,” he said. “Then we will be better equipped to develop new medicines and therapies for individuals with brain disorders.” – Matt […]